
عرض المشاركات من يونيو, 2020

how many breeds of rabbits are there in the world - Types of rabbits

Types of rabbits how many breeds of rabbits are there in the world - Types of rabbits Always ask about h ow many breeds of rabbits are there? ,how many types of rabbits are there..how many types of rabbits in the world , We get to know it now:   how many breeds of rabbits are there in the world   The rabbit is a domesticated mammal that people raise for its soft meat and fur,  and it is also sometimes raised as a pet that did not matter like cats and dogs.  Breeding of rabbits requires special care, as they are animals that are sensitive  to various diseases and environmental conditions. Rabbits are active at dawn and  at sunset. They are very careful animals and flee quickly if necessary. Wild rabbits can be a target for hawks and birds of prey, so rabbits have been  one of the best targets of hunting trips, either by sniping with birds or  greyhounds, so that they run races for greyhounds. The target is in the form of ...

All about the little elephant and his family-types of elephants

 the little elephant and his family All about the little elephant and his family   Today we will learn about the elephant and little elephant , the african elephant ,   mammoths and  masters . and talk about the baby elephant .   All about the little elephant and his family in african the elephant is a large mammal from the species of elephants and the rank of  Khartoum, the duration of pregnancy for the elephant is 645 days, and there are  two types of elephants: the african elephant and the asian elephant , although some evidence indicates that the african bush elephants and the african forest  elephants are separate species from each other. Elephants are scattered throughout  sub-saharan africa, southern and southeastern Asia. elephants are the only  surviving Khartoumites, and extinct species include mammoths and masters . Elephants are very powerful and extremely intelligent animals. Man has been  domesticate...

How to encourage birds to feed and breed in your garden-types of birds

How to encourage birds to feed and breed in your garden-types of birds     How to encourage birds to feed and breed in your garden-types of birds Always ask and search: How to attract wild birds into my garden, how to make friends with wild birds , how to make birds your friends , birds wikipedia , birds species , birds list - birds names       How to encourage birds to feed and breed in your garden -b reeding birds   birds  are a group of vertebrate animals inside the heat, characterized by the presence of feathers on their body and the beak free of teeth, and has a four-chamber heart in addition to a skeleton of light composition and weight, and in general, the birds spread throughout the world, including Antarctica known as Antarctica, And birds have wings, some of which are developed and durable so that it can fly through, and others are simple because it cannot lift the bird in the air permanently, and in some cases the bird is allow...