mexican gray wolf in Wildlife :facts , habitat , predators

mexican gray wolf in Wildlife :facts , habitat , predators We would like to know about gray wolf facts , gray wolf optimization ,mexican gray wolf habitat , gray wolf size , gray wolf predators, mexican gray wolf predators , mexican gray wolf endangered , We'll learn about mexican gray wolf - life in the wild The gray wolf (scientific name: Canis lupus), which is also known by multiple names such as coywolf, grizzly wolf, grizzly wolf, or just "wolf" in most languages of the world, is the largest land member of the canidae family. Fossils show that gray wolves lived on Earth about 300,000 years ago, that is, at the end of the most recent era, and thus they are considered one of the survivors of the mass extinction event that occurred in the late last Ice Age. DNA chain and genetic drift studies have shown that the gray wolf shares a common ancestor and the domesticated dog (Canis lupus familiaris). Although the reliability of s...