rusty-spotted cat baby - rusty spotted cat in hand

rusty-spotted cat baby These days everyone is looking for: rusty spotted cat pet,. . baby .. cat kitten . rusty spotted cat in hand ... rusty-spotted cat kitten . rusty spotted cat baby in hand First, some valuable information about the rusty kitten : Weighing less than two kilograms and between 35 and 48 centimeters long, the rusty spotted cat Prionailurus rubiginosus is the smallest wild cat in the world. This type of cat is characterized by its short gray fur that covers most of its body with rust spots on its back and sides, hence its name. The lower part of his body is white with large dark spots and six dark streaks on each side of the head that extend to the cheeks and forehead. And the rusty spotted cat is only present in India and Sri Lanka, according to the Feline Conservation Fund website, which indicates the presence of 10,000 of these animals in the wild, which made them in the list of endangered animals by the International Union for Conserva...