cat and ocicat

cat and ocicat

a cat is a popular animal, and it is of many types.a cute cats *bengal cat- persian
 cat - savannah cat - siamese cat - munchkin cat - ocicat - catnip - sphynx cat -tabby cat - calico cat - hairless cat - siberian cat - hypoallergenic cats.....*.Today we will learn about : ocicat .


 ocicat is very similar to the dotted wild cat and it originated as a hybrid
 from the Siamese cat and the American Ethiopian cat and the short-haired American
 cat is a social cat for its fur in various colors but they are all speckled and
 the origin of this breed dates back to 1964 when the Siamese cat was crossed with
 an Ethiopian cat and the first generation looked like the Ethiopian cat similar to
 Completely, when crossing a female of this type with a Siamese cat, a Siamese cat
 and another dotted one, he is called "Oci", because it resembles the wild "Ocelot".
 Then use the short American cat. The hair in the crossbreeding program improves dotting type, bone stiffness and
 hair color. In terms of attributes and character, this cat is similar to its
 relative, the wild cat, and even behaves in the woods. He has no special demands
 except for the love, compassion, and embrace of his companions, and he does not
 favor strangers. This cat tends to play and foreplay, preferring to sleep on the
 owner's lap with a light purl break.

*The average life span is 10 to 15 years.
 *It weighs 3 to 7 kilograms and a half grams.
*One of the most prominent problems that this strain may suffer
 from is retinal degeneration and cardiomyopathy.

Ocicat specifications

The round, wedge-shaped head has a smooth folded transition from muzzle to wings and
 a gradual shift of the milky form of muzzle from the shape of the muzzle in the face
 closer to the square, completely elongated in side shape, with a strong chin and well
 developed jaw below. The characteristic of compulsory lineage is the presence of the 
correct sting, and standards allow for a second chin or insufficiency in adult males.
 The cervical area is very long and graceful.

Ears of rather large sizes, triangular in shape, with a fit that extends the outermost
 corners of the muzzle. Lynx tassels are allowed at the ends of the ears, giving the
 animal strange charm. The eyes are large, oblique, distinct in the form of almonds.
 Standards allow any eye color, even if it does not match the color, except for blue*
An additional feature is the rich color of the iris.

The long body is characterized by a fairly strong and heavy skeleton. The chest is
 wide, with rounded ribs. The distinguishing feature is a muscular and athletic 
body with a raised posterior line towards the tail. Due to the heavy skeleton, the
 adult ocicat is larger than other cats. The average female weight ranges between
 3.5-5.0 kg, and the adult male weighs 6.5-7.0 kg. A high degree of exposure is not
 affected not by body weight but by indicators of proportion and fitness that must
 be athletic.

Paws are relatively folded, medium in length, with well-defined and developed
 muscles. There are five fingers on the front, and four fingers on the hind limbs.

cat and ocicat

The main types of color ocicat

Tan or "Tani", represented by a warm bronze or light bronze coat with dark or black

Staining of chocolate or "chocolate", represented by a light brown, agouti or
ivory color with chocolate spots.

Brown or cinnamon staining, represented by light agouti or ivory with red brown 

Smudge blue or "blue", represented by a faint blue background and saturated blue

Purple or Lavender staining, represented by pale yellow or matte beige color with
 soft lavender spots.


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