green grass snake
green grass snake

Grass snake is the largest terrestrial reptile in Britain, this python is usually olive green, brown or gray in color, with a variable row of black bars along the sides, and sometimes with smaller circular markings along the back in double rows, the average length of female grass snakes is 75 - 80 cm, male average length 65 cm
The underside of the grass snake is white or yellow with rectangular markings, a black and yellow collar is a characteristic behind the head, sometimes completely black, male and female grass snakes are generally similar in appearance, although females are often larger; Males can be recognized by the presence of swelling at the base of the tail and the fact that they have longer tails than females.
Grass snake is a predator frog, water salamander, fish, small mammals and small birds, is a good swimmer, able to stay in the water for more than half an hour, grass snake is found in the low regions of Britain, widely and common in some areas of the south and southeast From England, rare in Central Wales, the eel has a wide distribution in the continent of Europe, from southern Scandinavia to southern Italy, where it reached the Far East and Lake Baikal. Also in Northwest Africa
Grass snake is a water species that is usually closely associated with water. It is found in habitats that include ponds, lakes, streams, swamps and trenches, which provide access to sunlight for shelter, and can also be found in open forests, raw grasslands, wet meadows and gardens. Parks and fences of shrubs.

Flirtation and mating takes place from March to June, placing eggs in compost or piles where moldy vegetation creates hot conditions, egg development depends on temperature, but hatching usually occurs within six to eight weeks after spawning.
The male grass snake becomes mature at the age of 3 years of age, but the females do not start breeding until they reach the fourth or fifth year, after reaching the stage of maturity, the males change their skin twice a year, while the females change them only once a year before laying eggs. Grass snake can live for up to 15 years.
Nontoxic, the only defense of a snake is to produce garlic - a smell liquid from the anal glands, or pretend to die (apparent death) by becoming completely limping.
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