Characteristics of the lion and Types of lions in wildlife , the threats facing lions

Characteristics of the lion and Types of lions in wildlife , the threats facing lions
Today we'll get :Information about lions facts and different types of lions names in the world,facts about the lions body ,habitats of lions .. habitat of lion ,african Lion Facts ..You can find everything about lions
types of lions names in the world,facts
The lion is one of the strongest animals, as it is the second largest felidae in size, and it is one of the animals at risk of extinction, which is the result of the decrease in the numbers of lions in the wild, and the extinction of some types, as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (English: IUCN) may be in 2014 The adult in the world ranges between 23-39 thousand lions, and lions are currently spread in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, with few of them in India, specifically in an abnormal forest reserve (English: Gir National Park), and it is worth noting that lions prefer to live In the grassland, savannah, and dense bush lands.
Types of lions Currently, black is classified into two main types:
Lions of the southern subspecies: (scientific name: panthera leo melanochaita). This species includes the following strains of lions:
Katanga lion: (Katanga lion), and (scientific name: Panthera leo bleyenberghi), lives in southwest Africa, and is one of the largest lions in the world. In: Angola, Zaire, Western Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and northern Botswana.
Katanga lion: (Katanga lion), and (scientific name: Panthera leo bleyenberghi), lives in southwest Africa, and is one of the largest lions in the world. In: Angola, Zaire, Western Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and northern Botswana.
Masai Lion: (Scientific name: Panthera leo nubica), lives in East Africa, and is distinguished by its lower back curvature compared to the rest of the black strains. Male males of this type are distinguished by the presence of strands of hair on their knees, in addition to Because it is combed back, and it should be noted that the Masai lions are spreading in: Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Tanzania.
Transvaal Lion, (Panthera leo krugeri), lives in Southeast Africa, including Kruger National Park, and Helan National Royal Park in Swaziland Hlane Royal National Park), and the males of this type of black have a black town.
The Ethiopian lion, and the scientific name: Panthera leo roosevelti, also known as the Addis Ababa.
The male Ethiopian lions are distinguished by their dark color and small size compared to the other types of lions.
The male Ethiopian lions are distinguished by their dark color and small size compared to the other types of lions.
Lions of the northern subspecies: (scientific name: panthera leo leo). This species includes the following strains of lions:
Senegalese lion: (Senegal lion), and (scientific name: Panthera leo senegalensis), lives in West Africa, and it is the smallest species of lions found in sub-Saharan Africa, and the Senegalese lion is considered one of the highly endangered lions, as the numbers do not increase This type of lions is about 1,800 lions spread in the areas extending from the Central African Republic to Senegal.
The Indian or Asiatic lion (English: Indian Or Asiatic lion), and the (scientific name: Panthera leo persica) are considered to be highly endangered species and currently live in an abnormal forest reserve in the Indian state of Gujarat, and the Indian lion can be distinguished from other Black thanks to the presence of a longitudinal fold of leather covering his stomach.
The lion's formal characteristics: The lion is distinguished by a long muscular body, a large head, and short legs. It also has a tail that ends in a dark hair strand compared to the color of the body. The male lion can be distinguished from the female easily. The female does not possess this, and the color of the lion's fur ranges between yellow or orange-brown, silver-gray, and dark brown, and the male lion is larger than the female, with an adult male length ranging from 1.8-2.1m, in addition to the length of the tail that is 1m As for its height, measured from the ground to the shoulders, it reaches about 1.2 m, and its weight is approximately 170-230 kg, while the lioness has a length of 1.5 m, and the height of its shoulder from the ground ranges between 0.9 -1.1 m, in a gene that weighs 120-180 kg, It should be noted that the young lion, or what is known as the cub, is distinguished by its grayish-colored fur, which is decorated with brown spots that disappear when the cub reaches its third month, and sometimes some stains may remain on the stomach, especially in the types of lions that live in the east. Africa.
The lion's social lifestyle
is considered black by social animals, as it prefers to live in a group called the herd, but the lions that live in Asia are different from the lions of Africa, so Asian lions males do not live with females and only meet them for mating or participation in devouring a large prey, As for the black flock of Africa, it usually consists of three adult males and dozens of females in addition to cubs, and the number of individuals in the black herd can sometimes reach 40 lions, and when the lions grow, two-thirds of the lionesses remain in the herd in which they were born, while the rest of the lionesses leave the herd to form a new flock, While male lions must always leave the herd to create new alliances with males belonging to the same herd, or other herds.
Each group of lions occupies a region of its own for several generations, and the size of the region that the lions take as their home depends on the abundance of food and water. Other animal and black assaults, and when a new alliance of lions succeeds in controlling the herd, he immediately rushes to kill the little cubs so that he can mate with the lionesses as quickly as possible.
Lions communicate among themselves in a number of ways, as they are able to distinguish some of them, and to know the strength and fitness of any individual of them through the visual communication that takes place in view of the size of the mane. The lions also define their own spheres of influence by spraying plants with urine. This behavior includes chemical and visual communication in At the same time, it is worth noting that the lions communicate with the black of the other flocks through the voice communication, using the roar that the lions also express their strength towards their enemies, and finally the lions communicate with each other through physical contact, as the lions revive others by touch.
The lion mate and his life cycle
Most female lions become mothers at the age of four, while male lions reach sexual maturity in the second year of their life approximately, and upon reaching the fourth or fifth year, they will be waiting for the opportunity to control the herd so that they can obtain the right to mate with females for the first time in their lives.
It should be noted that lions mate throughout the year, except that the peak of their mating takes place in the rainy season, and after a pregnancy period ranging from 110-119 days, lioness gives birth to a number between 1-6 cubs, but the average usually reaches 2-3 cub.
Lion's food and prey hunting
lions depend on their food for hunting, and most hunting tasks are based on the lionesses that are active for hunting at night, especially in times of dusk and dawn. Hunting deer, zebras, and African antelopes, and when you cannot catch a large prey, it replaces them with birds, rodents, fish, ostriches, amphibians, and reptiles.
Threats and challenges facing the lion
Lions are exposed to many of the dangers that cause their decrease in numbers, and among these dangers.
Bushmeat Trade:
Some animals, such as antelopes, are exposed to poaching in order to obtain and sell their flesh, and this affects lions, as it reduces the number of animals that constitute a food source for them. The other.
Human and black conflicts:
This arises as a result of lions being exposed to and killed by livestock, so farmers whose livestock are constantly exposed to avenge the lions by killing them by poisoning them, leading to the death of a whole herd of lions in some cases.
Habitat loss:
As a result of increasing their numbers, humans need to increase the area of their lands, and this leads to encroachment on the wild places inhabited by lions and their prey, and convert them into pastures or agricultural places, and the presence of livestock in these areas of competition may affect the amount of food available to wild herbivores, which causes a decrease in the number of Available prey for black.
Lions are subjected to overfishing to obtain leather, claws, teeth, and bones for trade and sale in Asian markets. Some lions are also killed in some parts of Africa during certain rituals and ceremonies aimed at proving manliness and courage.
Other threats:
Lions and their prey threaten other risks: mining in wildlife areas, illegal logging, and some lions being exposed to disease.
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