Where do minks live? mink | habitats

Where do minks live?
You will be amazed by this new information about mink, its various types and patterns, and the prohibition of selling its fur. We will discuss all this and more in this interesting topic about mink.
A small carnivorous animal of North America, whose precious fur is also found in Europe. Lives up to 10 or 12 years old
.Where do minks live? mink | habitatslifestyle and mink habitats
What are minks known for?
Mink Description,Where do minks live? mink | habitats.. lifestyle and mink habitats
One of the family of mammals is a carnivore, similar in shape to a number of other animals such as: squirrel and weasel. Minks feed on reptiles, crustaceans and small mammals.
The meaning and concept of the term “mink” means the misfortune of this animal is the fur, so it is easy for us to find this animal in supermarkets more than we might find in its natural environment. Although many people have raised the mink with all the tenderness of paper, this unfortunately is not for the face God but rather in order to obtain benefits from this animal in the end. This type of animal is distinguished by its extraordinary vitality and distinctive movement, as it prefers isolation and living alone and has great capabilities to crawl on the ground and swim in the water for long periods and climb trees, as it can confront its enemies with amazing speed. Mink possesses great audacity and eyes that awake to discover its prey everywhere, this animal possesses something of malice and malice, which is what is required for its harsh life, since the mink should work with all effort and perseverance better than what ends up in one of the major stores selling fur.
Did you know?
The mink animals that are fed in an appropriate and reasonable manner can be enlarged much more than their brutal grandmothers .. And when they are trapped, they are placed in separate cages, otherwise they prey on each other.
Facts about mink
The sheer size of the wild duck does not frighten this demonic pirate, as with one bounce caught as she tries to escape flying in the air, the poor will be included on the menu of the mink's food.
A female mink accompanies a picnic on a boat. An accomplished mother takes this opportunity to arrange a snack for her young children who are learning - at the same time - a lesson in hunting.
Early in the morning and after a night filled with land and water fishing, the mink allows a little entertainment. (Theme park) is a muddy beach that this lively animal loves skating on.
Early in the morning and after a night filled with land and water fishing, the mink allows a little entertainment. (Theme park) is a muddy beach that this lively animal loves skating on.
The scene of Al-Qaqum, dressed in crime. Al-Qaqum surreptitiously sneaks into the house of his mink neighbor and tries to tamper with the store of supplies, stealing its contents in full view of the owner of the house, but the perpetrator must receive his punishment.
Male minks revolts his shoulder for reasons even outside the breeding season, and they quarreled at first sight. Her intense anger can lead her to fight with mutual ferocity, biting and scratching, sometimes to death.
In conclusion, here are the various types of reach that reach the human being with the ability to be able to create it through a lengthy specialized selection. You can see at the top of the picture the white mink and the preferred king next to it, and you see at the bottom of the picture two great examples: the blue mink and the pink mink.

Mink animal species
Of the approximately fifty million minks that live in different regions, there are four major species that are distinguished. They are called European, American, Russian and Scandinavian.
European minks can catch your attention near the reservoirs of Eastern Europe and Siberia. She really spends most of her life in the water, and this can be judged by the mink appearance in the photo she has a slightly flat head and advanced membranes between the fingers. European mink with short hair makes its coat dark brown or gray, smooth and shiny.
The American mink from North America differs greatly from the European mink in its dimensions, it is longer and heavier, and also has a distinctive mark in the form of a bright spot under the lips. The coat's natural color can range from black to white. Ideally white mink is likely to be American.
If the European mink in Eurasia was indigenous, then the American mink was brought to the continent at a later time to breed in reserves. Then, to adapt to the wild wildlife, they began to cut the animals to freedom and such a neighborhood had a devastating effect on the European mink.
The total number of individuals of this species has begun to decline, predator species of America are rapidly violating the European. It should be noted that the American and European mink, despite the similar appearance, came from different ancestors. The same living conditions have helped the animals to have great similarities, but due to the rivalry of the species, since 1996 the European Mink - Red Animal Book.
The total number of individuals of this species has begun to decline, predator species of America are rapidly violating the European. It should be noted that the American and European mink, despite the similar appearance, came from different ancestors. The same living conditions have helped the animals to have great similarities, but due to the rivalry of the species, since 1996 the European Mink - Red Animal Book.
Northern Europe is the birthplace of Scandinavian mink, but today this type of individual is ubiquitous and they are the most common fur animals (about 80%) among all representatives of these animals. It is also brown mink with rich, clear colors and perfectly fine hair of the same length.

Hunting and food
In the cold season, when the hunt is unproductive, the European-style mink is enhanced with tree roots, wild cranberries and mountain ash berries created by the seeds. As winter approaches, animals are stocked with fish and berries, and placed in their house. American minks prefer to eat lobster, because they are more delicious than fish.
It should be noted that the mink is not able to do much harm to fisheries, because it feeds on non-commercial fish species. In winter, these predatory mammals must hunt exclusively on land, as the water bodies that were previously their hunting ground freeze.
Of these mice and other rodents, minks are more actively exterminated in winter than in summer. Thus, mink takes care of the environment and regulates the number of small rodents that harm nature. Just 200 grams of food per day is necessary for you to satisfy your hunger
It should be noted that the mink is not able to do much harm to fisheries, because it feeds on non-commercial fish species. In winter, these predatory mammals must hunt exclusively on land, as the water bodies that were previously their hunting ground freeze.
Of these mice and other rodents, minks are more actively exterminated in winter than in summer. Thus, mink takes care of the environment and regulates the number of small rodents that harm nature. Just 200 grams of food per day is necessary for you to satisfy your hunger
It can divide this amount of food into 4-9 meals a day. If the available feed will be more than this rule, then the adventurous animal will leave reserves in the hole. Mink can be considered an eccentric beast, it prefers to feed on fresh animals, and it will only touch unpleasant meat after 3-4 days of hunger. Therefore, the predator updates its inventory regularly so that it does not encounter this problem.
How to make eyelashes from mink
Mink animals are killed by thousands of numbers every year in order to use their fur to make false eyelashes or expensive clothes. Mink is exposed to crossbreeding in order to give birth to you in blue or black fur instead of natural white or brown fur, and thus becomes suitable for the manufacture of false eyelashes for the purpose of cosmetic for women. Mink animals are also killed by poisonous gas from the engine exhaust in order to keep mink fur from being damaged. In many countries, special farms have been devoted to raising minks. In Denmark, for example, small cages with a width of only 30 cm and a length of one meter were made for the purpose of raising minks and such farms claimed that the size of the cage, whether small or large, did not affect at all. In the psychology of mink animals! The farms that raised mink animals extract fur from them and exported them to many factories specialized in the manufacture of exorbitant clothes or factories interested in making cosmetic eyelashes for women, as the fur is cleaned and treated and the manufacture of false eyelashes and clothing from them.
The price of false eyelashes extracted from mink fur
The price of false eyelashes extracted from mink varies according to the method of manufacture, whether it is simple handicraft or a complicated industry in large factories, and the price of one eyelashes ranges from 4-12 USD for one eyelashes.
Where do minks live? mink | habitats
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