the foods eaten by the bernese mountain dog, and its most important muscle properties

the foods that the bernese mountain dog eat , and its most important characteristics
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what is the bernese mountain dog and its most important printing
Bernese Mountain Dog is one of the original Swiss dogs of large size,
as it belongs to the farms of Switzerland, and if you see it for one
time, you will not hesitate to adopt it and raise it with you at home,
this is because of the wonderful aesthetic form of the Bernese Mountain
dog, it is the owner of long soft hair and is considered one of the
smartest dogs in the world.
Physical characteristics:
It is a large dog with long and thick hair.
Males in this strain reach 70 cm, and females up to 66 cm, males weigh 55 kg, and females reach 45 kg.
All parts of her body are in harmony with each other, which gives her a distinctive and attractive aesthetic, also characterized by its muscular strength.
It has a distinctive long tail that is completely covered in hair, and is narrow at the end.
His eyes are small in the shape of almonds and brown in color, and if you look at them, you will find them with constant vigilance and expressive looks, and this is because they are shepherd dogs.
His ears are hanging and triangular in shape, when the dog is upset or interested in something, you will find them raised, and when he is in a relaxed state, you will find them slightly drooping.
He has three colors, the first of which is black, which is the primary color, and it has red and white spots like lines under the tail and at the dog's limbs, and in the middle of his face, they distinguish him.
Its average lifespan is from eight to eleven years.
It is a large dog with long and thick hair.
Males in this strain reach 70 cm, and females up to 66 cm, males weigh 55 kg, and females reach 45 kg.
All parts of her body are in harmony with each other, which gives her a distinctive and attractive aesthetic, also characterized by its muscular strength.
It has a distinctive long tail that is completely covered in hair, and is narrow at the end.
His eyes are small in the shape of almonds and brown in color, and if you look at them, you will find them with constant vigilance and expressive looks, and this is because they are shepherd dogs.
His ears are hanging and triangular in shape, when the dog is upset or interested in something, you will find them raised, and when he is in a relaxed state, you will find them slightly drooping.
He has three colors, the first of which is black, which is the primary color, and it has red and white spots like lines under the tail and at the dog's limbs, and in the middle of his face, they distinguish him.
Its average lifespan is from eight to eleven years.
Burns' increasing popularity has more to do with her personality than beauty and fashion. By the standards of the breed, personality is more important than outdoor dogs and are responsible for raising only calm, affectionate dogs. The owners simply adore their mountain dogs, and their guests remain impressed.
Dogs with good lineage are calm and predictable, mestizos differ in behavior. The character can be described in words - giant patient.
Very loyal and loyal, they understand the owner well and become attached to him. Money owners agree that the friendship with Bern is the strongest compared to other dogs.
They bond with one person, but these aren't the dogs that ignore the rest, they get along with all people. They believe that they will wear their knees, which is somewhat uncomfortable when a dog weighs more than 50 kg.
Unlike other breeds that are related to the family, the Bernese Mountain Dog socializes with strangers. As a sled dog, they are accustomed to dealing with the noise, debt and hustle and bustle of the markets goods were transported to.
Properly socialized, they are friendly and polite with strangers, shy and nervous sinful, but rarely show aggression. Shy and shy dogs are not desirable to breeders who need to keep a confident and calm dog in any situation.
These sensitive giants can be dogs, and their loud bark is enough to stop an attacker. But despite their strength, they are not subject to aggression, rather a bark welcome rather than a warning.
So with some arrogance, strangers can enter the region. Everything changes, if Bern sees that something threatens the family or someone is threatening, then it cannot be stopped.
They love children especially, they are gentle with them, even the youngest of them and forgive all of them. Most of the time, baby and the Bernie Mountain dog are best friends. If you need a dog, calm and cheerful, but at the same time attached to family and children, then it is better not to find a breed.
Bernese get along with other animals, most are calm with other dogs and even like company. Dominance, territoriality, and food aggression are not characteristic of it.

Despite the size, she can get along with a dog of any size, but socialization plays a critical role in this.
Some males can be aggressive towards other males, although this is not a trait of a breed. Usually, this behavior is the result of poor socialization and omissions in education.
It stands to reason that they would have a poorly expressed hunting instinct and relate quietly to other animals. All dogs can hunt animals, but this is extremely rare in the case of this breed. Their gentle nature makes them a victim of playful and conceited cats, and they prefer to escape from their pesky wool ball.
The size and strength of the Bernese Mountain Dog makes it dangerous to other animals. And although they are gentle by nature, socialization and proper education are still important!
Not only are burns smart, but they are also well-trained and able to perform in disciplines like agility, crime, and of course, pulling waves. They try to please the owner, gladly study and listen. Owners who know what they want will have a trained, calm dog if they put in the effort.
Bernese Mountain dogs are more obedient than other dogs, but they interact better with an owner they love and respect. If the team is not given by the leader, they respond to them more slowly.
However, they are still obedient, manageable and less dominant than most other breeds of this, and even a smaller size. They do not like rudeness and neglect, and affection, attention and positive stimulation can achieve more.
Not destructive, it can become so if they are bored. Well, when a dog of this size and strength begins to fumble and break ... to avoid this behavior, it suffices to load up Berne mentally and physically. Agility, walking, running, and drag and drop loads work well.
She is playful, especially with children, but does not like long games. There is an advantage in our climate, because they love to play in the snow, which is not surprising for a dog born in the Alps.
There is a moment to keep in mind when downloading and playing games. Like most deep-chested dogs, Bernie Mountains can die of twisting their gut if they get a load right after eating.
There is a moment to keep in mind when downloading and playing games. Like most deep-chested dogs, Bernie Mountains can die of twisting their gut if they get a load right after eating.
Eating at the Bernese Mountain dog
Dog food
The types of dog food differ according to their health condition, and the preference of their breeder, as well as in their prices, method of purchase and preparation. It can be categorized as follows:
Dry (ground) food: dry dog food is characterized by its lower prices than other types, and it can be kept without refrigeration for long periods. It also has many benefits for the dog; It helps to maintain the dog's teeth, and to keep it in good health; It is easy to chew, which limits the formation of harmful deposits that collect on the dog's teeth. It is recommended that you read the ingredients of this food before purchasing it, and choose the most beneficial for your dog.
Wet food (canned): Although this type of dog food is available in shops and grocery stores, it is considered very expensive compared to other types of dog food. Canned moist food has a long shelf life, which makes it a good choice for dog breeders to buy it and feed it to their dogs. There are many commercial varieties of canned food, but not all of them contain protein that is necessary and useful for dogs, some of them contain types of protein that are not digestible, so it enters and exits the dog's body without his digestive system being able to break it down into absorbable substances, so the dog does not benefit Something of it. It is reported that many types of wet food (canned) consist mostly of water (75%). The high percentage of water in this food comes at the expense of the nutrients for the dog, which makes it - that is, the dog - needs a greater amount of food, and for this reason it is recommended that the dog breeder read the ingredients of the variety and make sure of them before buying them.
Semi-wet food: It is a food whose shape resembles burgers and various pieces of meat, and is not considered one of the types of food that can be completely relied upon in the dog's diet, as it is used from time to time to feed the dog to make it enjoy the delicious taste resulting from the manufactured materials and flavorings that are added mechanism. Home food: It is the food that dog breeders are keen to prepare for their dogs at home, and they spend money, spend effort and time, to be confident in the quality of the food that their dogs eat. In this case, it is necessary for the dog owner to do the adequate research, and the necessary advice, to make sure that this food contains all the food the dog needs.
Raw food: It is fresh, raw, uncooked meat that is served to the dog with the bones (and other organs) that are with it; Bones are a rich source of phosphorous and calcium, which are substances that the dog needs. And because dogs have relatively short intestines and strong intestinal acids, and thus have a great ability to digest raw food and bones; This type of food is suitable for many of its species.
Special food: It is food that is purchased or prepared after consulting a veterinarian. This type of food is relied upon if the dog suffers from a disease, or from a specific allergy, so it is imperative for his breeder to consult a veterinarian to find the right food for his dog.
Other types: The dog needs other types of food and food in order to grow well and be in good health. The dog can be fed green peas. They are a good source of protein and vitamins, and dogs need these nutrients in order for their body to perform the necessary vital functions and build muscles. Dogs can also benefit from many other vegetables, such as broccoli, pumpkin, and carrots. It is also possible to feed the dog sweet potatoes and chicken, without adding salt or fat to it, and there is no need to add any spices or additives to it.
Raw food: It is fresh, raw, uncooked meat that is served to the dog with the bones (and other organs) that are with it; Bones are a rich source of phosphorous and calcium, which are substances that the dog needs. And because dogs have relatively short intestines and strong intestinal acids, and thus have a great ability to digest raw food and bones; This type of food is suitable for many of its species.
Special food: It is food that is purchased or prepared after consulting a veterinarian. This type of food is relied upon if the dog suffers from a disease, or from a specific allergy, so it is imperative for his breeder to consult a veterinarian to find the right food for his dog.
Other types: The dog needs other types of food and food in order to grow well and be in good health. The dog can be fed green peas. They are a good source of protein and vitamins, and dogs need these nutrients in order for their body to perform the necessary vital functions and build muscles. Dogs can also benefit from many other vegetables, such as broccoli, pumpkin, and carrots. It is also possible to feed the dog sweet potatoes and chicken, without adding salt or fat to it, and there is no need to add any spices or additives to it.
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