Characteristics of the lion and Types of lions in wildlife , the threats facing lions

Characteristics of the lion and Types of lions in wildlife , the threats facing lions Today we'll get : Information about lions facts and different types of lions names in the world,facts about the lions body ,habitats of lions .. h abitat of lion ,african Lion Facts .. You can find everything about lions types of lions names in the world,facts The lion is one of the strongest animals, as it is the second largest felidae in size, and it is one of the animals at risk of extinction, which is the result of the decrease in the numbers of lions in the wild, and the extinction of some types, as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (English: IUCN) may be in 2014 The adult in the world ranges between 23-39 thousand lions, and lions are currently spread in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, with few of them in India, specifically in an abnormal forest reserve (English: Gir National Park), and it is worth noting that lions prefer to live In the grassland, savannah, and den...