
tuna and pregnancy

tuna and pregnancy Tuna is a good source of protein and very beneficial to the body, but is it recommended for pregnant women? We will not say that tuna is not beneficial and dangerous for pregnant women, but we will show the risk factors in eating pregnant tuna. ho among us does not adore delicious tuna, but with the first moment you know the news of your pregnancy, everyone begins to warn you about the necessity of avoiding many foods for your safety and the health of your fetus, and the questions begin to rotate in your mind about the foods that you can eat safely, including tuna, so you ask: Is eating it safe or Is it completely forbidden? And if it is safe, what is the allowed quantity?   Benefits of tuna for pregnant women Adding tuna to the diet of a pregnant woman helps to ensure the normal growth of the fetus, as it provides the important nutrients for a healthy pregnancy, and here are the most important elements provided by 90 grams of

bluefin tuna,types of tuna fish

bluefin tuna The bluefin tuna is one of the largest types of tuna fish , and the body of the bluefin tuna is a deeper color near the pelvis fins, and there is a gradual color significantly at the caudal fin, and compared to the other tuna, the head of the bluefin tuna is long and pointed Somewhat, the eye is small, and there are two dorsal fins, with little space separating them. The second dorsal fin in the bluefin tuna is longer than the first, the anal fin starts behind the second dorsal fin, and the pectoral fins are short compared to other members of the tuna genus although the relative length changes with age . Information about bluefin tuna The color of the bluefin tuna body is dark metallic blue at the top of the body with the lower sides, and the belly tends to silver white, and in new samples of the bluefin tuna can be seen colorless lines alternately with rows of points along the lower sides, and the dorsal fin The first has a yellow or blue color, the se

Characteristics of the lion and Types of lions in wildlife , the threats facing lions

Characteristics of the lion and Types of lions in wildlife , the threats facing lions Today we'll get : Information about lions facts and different types of lions names in the world,facts about the lions body ,habitats of lions .. h abitat of lion ,african Lion Facts .. You can find everything about lions types of lions names in the world,facts The lion is one of the strongest animals, as it is the second largest felidae in size, and it is one of the animals at risk of extinction, which is the result of the decrease in the numbers of lions in the wild, and the extinction of some types, as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (English: IUCN) may be in 2014 The adult in the world ranges between 23-39 thousand lions, and lions are currently spread in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, with few of them in India, specifically in an abnormal forest reserve (English: Gir National Park), and it is worth noting that lions prefer to live In the grassland, savannah, and den

green grass snake

green grass snake Grass snake is the largest terrestrial reptile in Britain, this python is usually olive green, brown or gray in color, with a variable row of black bars along the sides, and sometimes with smaller circular markings along the back in double rows, the average length of female grass snakes is 75 - 80 cm, male average length 65 cm The underside of the grass snake is white or yellow with rectangular markings, a black and yellow collar is a characteristic behind the head, sometimes completely black, male and female grass snakes are generally similar in appearance, although females are often larger; Males can be recognized by the presence of swelling at the base of the tail and the fact that they have longer tails than females. Grass snake is a predator frog, water salamander, fish, small mammals and small birds, is a good swimmer, able to stay in the water for more than half an hour, grass snake is found in the low regions of Britain, widely and common

Can hypoallergenic cats still cause allergies?.most hypoallergenic cats

most hypoallergenic cats Can hypoallergenic cats still cause allergies?.most hypoallergenic cats we ask What is the best cat for someone with allergies?.Can hypoallergenic cats still cause allergies?.most hypoallergenic cats.are there hypoallergenic cats.list of hypoallergenic cats.best hypoallergenic cats..   Can hypoallergenic cats still cause allergies? we ask What is the best cat for someone with allergies?.Can hypoallergenic cats still cause allergies?.most hypoallergenic cats.are there hypoallergenic cats.list of hypoallergenic cats.best hypoallergenic cats..    most hypoallergenic cats   The body does not cause a negative reaction in itself, as many people believe. The cause of the disease is a specific compound (protein). This substance is part of sebum and saliva. It is also found on the fur surface of animals. Allergen tends to join clothes and furniture. Protein also penetrates easily into the internal organs of the respiratory system. If inhaled by an al